Diamond Prolyte®

The World's Most popular Electrolyte Analyzer

The Diamond Diagnostics ProLyte® Electrolyte Analyzer is a completely automated system measuring Na+, K+, Li+ and Cl- in whole blood, serum, plasma and urine utilizing Ion Selective Electrode (ISE) technology. The Diamond ProLyte® was uniquely designed with the user in mind. With the 4” touch screen display or USB keyboard, easily navigate menus, search patient results, run on-screen diagnostics and access data remotely.

Featured Benefits

  • 45 Second Analysis
  • 240 Tests/Hour
  • Touch Screen Display
  • Remote Access
  • Online Service Interface
  • 50,000+ Results Stored
  • Analysis TimeSupportConnectivity
    45 sec (240/hour)Online Service InterfaceLAN, Wifi, 4 USB ports, RS232, LIS
    User InputCalibrationSample Size
    4” Touch Screen2 Point every 4 hoursWhole Blood, Serum (100 µl)
    External Keyboard1 Point every samplePlasma, QCs (100 µl)
    Remote AccessOn DemandUrine (350 µl)
    Number of ParametersData Storage 
    Na+ K+ Cl- L+10,000+ Patient Results 
    4 Total / 3 (Simultaneously)20,000+ QC Results per Level 
    English, 中文, Español,日本語, 한국어, Português, 
    Français, Deutsch,Polskie, Русский, Türkçe 
    Indonesia, Italian, 日本語, 

User Friendly Navigation

Parameters and Specifications

Serum Na+40-205 mmol/LCV ≤ 1% (120-160 mol/L)0.01 mmol/L
Serum K+1.5-15 mmol/LCV ≤ 1.5% (2.5-6 mmol/L)0.01 mmol/L
Serum CL45-205 mmol/LCV ≤ 1% (85-130 mmol/L)0.01 mmol/L
Serum Li+0.15-5.00 mmol/LSD ≤ 0.03 mmol/L (0.4-1.3 mmol/L)0.001 mmol/L
Urine** Na+30-1020 mmol/LCV ≤ 5% (100-250 mmol/L)0.01 mmol/L
Urine** K+20-505 mmol/L***CV ≤ 5% (10-60 mmol/L)0.01 mmol/L
Urine** CL25-505 mmol/LCV ≤ 5% (100-250 mmol/L)0.01 mmol/L
PowerSize & WeightAmbient Conditions
100-240V ~ 50/60 Hz9.5” (24cm) W x 16.5” (42cm)Room temperature:
(self adjusting)14 lbs or 6 kgs15-32°C/60-90°F
1.6 A max, 50 Watts max Humidity <85%



Brochure | Diamond Prolyte® Electrolyte Analyzer
Brochure | Diamond Prolyte® 的電解質分析儀
Brochure | Diamond Prolyte® Analizador de Electrolitos
Brochure | Diamond Prolyte® Elektrolyt-Analysator
Brochure | Diamond Prolyte® L’Analyseur d’Électrolyte
Brochure | Diamond Prolyte® 기있는 전해질 분석기
Brochure | Diamond Prolyte® Analisador de Eletrólitos
Brochure | Diamond Prolyte® анализатор электролитов